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Blog : Philosémitisme

Les intellectuels allemands ont marre du "gourdin de l'Holocauste"!

Amir Taheri @ Gatestone Institute analyse l'ouvrage de Matthias Küntzel(The Germans and Iran: The History and Present of a Fateful Friendship).  

Matthias Küntzel affirme que les Allemands ont ras-le-bol d'être interpellés sans arrêt sur les crimes de Hitler et d'être frappés à la tête avec ce que Martin Walser, l'un des écrivains les plus célèbres de l'Allemagne, appelle «le gourdin de l'Holocauste." Walser dit: "Les motifs de ceux qui brandissent notre honte ne résultent pas d'une volonté de garder vivante l'idée qu'il ne faut pas oublier, mais plutôt de leur volonté d'exploiter notre honte pour satisfaire leurs besoins actuels."  ("The motives of those holding up our disgrace stem not from a desire to keep alive the idea of the impermissibility of forgetting but rather to exploit our disgrace for their present purposes.")

On a tant loué et cité en exemple le "devoir de mémoire" accompli par l'Allemagne.  Ca n'empêche pas une majorité d'Allemands de considère  les États-Unis et Israël d'être une plus grande menace pour la paix que l'Iran...  C'est évidemment ce que leurs élites éduquées leur disent.  La peur grandit au sein de la petite communauté juive (environ 100.000) d'Allemagne et le Consistoire a reçu des centaines d'appels demandant s'il était temps de faire ses valises et partir, rapporte le NYT

Amir Taheri ajoute que le grand intérêt de l'ouvrage de Küntzel est de nous éclairer sur ce beaucoup de politiciens et universitaires allemands ressentent et pensent en privé. 

Par ailleurs on lit dans le NYT à propos de l'Allemagne (01/08/2014) :

"[...] a wave of incidents has washed over Germany, where atonement for the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes is a bedrock of the modern society. A commitment to the right of Israel to exist is ironclad. Plaques and memorials across the country exhort, ?Never Again.? Children are taught starting in elementary school that their country's Nazi history must never be repeated. Even so, academics say the recent episodes may reflect a rising climate of anti-Semitism that they had observed before the strife over Gaza.

This week, the police in the western city of Wuppertal detained two young men on suspicion of throwing firebombs at the city's new synagogue; the attack early Tuesday caused no injuries. In Frankfurt on Thursday, the police said, a beer bottle was thrown through a window at the home of a prominent critic of anti-Semitism. She heard an anti-Jewish slur after going to the balcony to confront her assailant, The Frankfurter Rundschau reported. An anonymous caller to a rabbi threatened last week to kill 30 Frankfurt Jews if the caller's family in Gaza was harmed, the police said.

The string of incidents comes after Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned anti-Semitic chants from pro-Palestinian demonstrators and President Joachim Gauck called on Germans to ?raise their voices if there is a new anti-Semitism being strutted on the street.?

But even as the police have clamped down on demonstrators, banning slogans that target Jews instead of Israeli policies, a spike in violence has spread fear among Jews, not only in Germany but also in other European countries.  [...]

Prominent newspapers, politicians and popular stars in Austria and Germany have responded to the anti-Jewish outburst with a campaign called ?Raise Your Voice,? in support of their countries' Jewish communities. But Samuel Salzborn, a professor of political science at Göttingen University, does not believe that the effort has shifted public opinion.

?The official line of the German government is happily, clearly against anti-Semitism, but that is resulting in far too little,? Mr. Salzborn said. ?There is a startling indifference in the German public to the current display of anti-Semitism.?

To many of the more than 100,000 Jews in Germany, the outburst of anti-Semitism since the conflict flared in Gaza has a troubling undertone and has stirred especially painful memories. The Central Council of Jews in Germany has received hundreds of calls from members asking whether they should pack their suitcases and leave the country.

?I have not heard that for many years,? said Dieter Graumann, the council president. ?When calls for Jews to be gassed, burned and murdered are bawled on the streets of Germany, that no longer has anything to do with Israel's politics and Gaza. It is the most abhorrent form of anti-Semitism.?

Academics who study anti-Semitism say the acceptance of disparaging remarks about Jews has become increasingly common in the educated middle class over the past two decades. Especially on social media, where hashtags such as #HitlerWasRight have appeared, there has been a significant jump in slurs against Jews.

Monika Schwarz-Friesel, a cognitive scientist at Technical University, has spent 10 years tracking anti-Semitic comments from educated Germans in letters to editors, in Internet chat rooms and on social media. She said such comments in public forums had served as kindling for the most recent outbreak.

?Violence always starts in the mind,? Ms. Schwarz-Friesel said. ?Attacks like that on the synagogue in Wuppertal are not just pulled out of thin air.?

Carola Melchert-Arlt, an elementary school principal in Berlin and mother of three, said she felt afraid for the first time in her decades of living in Germany. She said her mother had asked her to stop wearing a Star of David, a family heirloom from her grandmother's bat mitzvah, around her neck.  Friends have taken down their mezuzas, Ms. Melchert-Arlt said, and she no longer stifles a smile when a fellow Jew wonders if they are really welcome in Germany.

?We have all always felt the latent anti-Semitism here,? Ms. Melchert-Arlt said. ?But what we have experienced in recent weeks and days, not only in Germany but across Europe, is a prevailing mood of outward anti-Jewish sentiment in the streets.?

NYT (21/07/2014): A leader of Germany's Jewish community said some of the demonstrators in that country had shown an ?explosion of evil and violence-prone hatred of Jews.?

Dieter Graumann, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said Monday that ?Never in our lives did we believe it possible that anti-Semitism of the most primitive kind would be heard on the streets of Germany.?
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