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Blog : Philosémitisme

Le Spiegel s'intéresse à l'antisémitisme en France et à l'alyah des Juifs

Le quotidien allemand Spiegel a publié un article sur le départ des Juifs  en raison de l'antisémitisme en France. Extraits:

Dans les rues de ParisFive years ago, he says, he began to no longer feel safe in Paris. In the Metro, he took a good look at people before boarding and when he was out alone in the evenings, he was afraid. André Podemski bought an apartment in Tel Aviv and when he went there on vacation, he felt liberated during his evening walks on the beach. Finally, he went to the Jewish Agency for Israel, which helps make arrangements for those wanting to immigrate to the Holy Land.  [...]

But it is hard not to be afraid, and not just in France. In Sweden, anti-Semitic threats doubled in 2014. In Britain, a survey has shown that every second person harbors anti-Semitic prejudices and roughly a quarter of all Jews in Britain have thought about leaving the country in the last two years. Shortly after the attacks in Paris, police in Belgium uncovered an apparent jihadist plot to attack Jewish facilities.  [...]

Daniel Benhaim, 41, head of Agence Juive, the French chapter of the Jewish Agency, has a similar message. In two or three years, he says, the numbers of French Jews leaving the country will be even greater than it is now. He oversees the 30 employees who work for the agency -- in its main offices in Paris and Marseille but also in smaller offices in Lyon, Strasbourg and Nice. Everywhere, the telephones are constantly ringing and people are registering in large numbers for informational events. In normal times, Agence Juive receives some 300 such calls every fortnight. In the last two weeks, it has been closer to 3,000.  [...]

Enzo Lumbroso has an even more disturbing story to tell. The 23-year-old, wearing a ruby red running suit and stylishly mussed hair, says that there were several demonstrations against Israel's military operation during the Gaza war last summer and that even synagogues were attacked. Demonstrators chanted: "Kill the Jews, kill Israel." And it wasn't just Muslims who were raging against Jews," Lumbroso says. Anti-Semitic tones could be heard among the rest of the population as well, he says. [...]

Mickael and Angélique Cohen moved with their three children a few months ago to Netanya, a small city north of Tel Aviv with a large French community. [...]

"We think that our children have a better future here," says her husband Mickael, 40. In France, he says, there is no economic recovery in sight and the tension is quick to turn into hostility. "People always think that, as Jews, you must have money," he says.

Angélique Cohen says she always knew that she would live in Israel one day, in the country where both her religion and her people are from: the "home of her heart," as she says. But the move was triggered by a business lunch in Paris. She was sitting there with her colleagues, totally normal French people, and they were laughing at the anti-Semitic jokes of the comedian Dieudonné -- the same Dieudonné who was just arrested for posting "Je suis Charlie Coulibaly" on his Facebook page following the Jewish supermarket attack. The perpetrator of that attack was named Amedy Coulibaly. Angélique Cohen placed her call to the Jewish Agency on the evening following that business lunch.

1 commentaire
En uni l Europe ses dirigeants prennent la mesure de ce qu endurent les populations juives depuis des années
Les journaux en parlent les média télévises aussi ,pour l istant les chaînes BFM et autres c est du bout des lèvres mais il y a une prise de conscience des états et le fait que les juifs d Europe se préparent au départ
Interpelle les gouvernants qui ont découverts ou osé parle du désordre profond depuis la semaine noire à Paris
Les Français de confessions juives ...il n y pas une seule famille qui est épargnée ....chacun fait le bilan .....fait en sorte de réfléchir à une pose de jalons d autres ne réfléchissent plus ..ils vendent ...et partent ...d autres me disent ne pas rester otages de leurs biens ....des le printemps Israeĺ va se retrouver submerge de français qui vont déferler des citoyens de toute catégories professionnelles de tous âges ..après le choc le gouvernement commence à peine à découvrir l ampleur du désastre il essaye de minimiser mais tous les français savent à présent que des citoyens français s organisent pour quitter leur patrie pour motif d insécurité ...et c est en France pays des droits de l homme le laxisme depuis le septennat de Mr Chirac les 20 dernières années durant lesquelles les médias n ont cesse de faire passer Israeĺ pour un pays qui martyrise qui tue sans vergogne ses voisins palestiniens ses militaires des tueurs impitoyables et les politiques pro arabes de l état ..manquant d équilibre de façon flagrante à l endroit d israeĺ
Envoyé par Jcl - le Mercredi 28 Janvier 2015 à 06:04
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