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Blog : Philosémitisme

Hitler identifiait les Sudètes allemands aux Palestiniens ... en 1938

L'(auto-)identification obsessionnelle de nombreux Européens avec les Palestiniens n'est pas récente - Hitler y était sensible.  Dans son sinistre discours du 12 septembre 1938 à Nuremberg, Hitler disait à propos des Sudètes: "Je ne veux absolument pas qu'ici, au c'ur de l'Allemagne, il soit permis à une seconde Palestine de voir le jour. Les pauvres Arabes sont sans défense et abandonnés. Les Allemands de Tchécoslovaquie ne sont ni sans défense ni abandonnés, et les gens doivent en prendre note."

L'éminent historien britannique Alan Bullock écrivait en 1952 dans Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Penguin, 1962, From Vienna to Prague, 1938-9, p. 453:

"Hitler made no attempt to disguise his anger at the humiliation of 21-2 May, which, he declared, had been deliberately planned by Benes, who spread the lie that Germany had mobilized.
'You will understand, my comrades, that a Great Power cannot for a second time suffer such an infamous encroachment upon its rights. ... I am a National Socialist, and as such I am accustomed on every attack to hit back immediately.  I know, too, quite well that through forbearance one will never reconcile so irreconcilable an enemy as are the Czechs; they will only be provoked to further presumption. ...

Herr Benes plays his tactical game: he makes speeches, he wishes to negotiate, after the manner of Geneva he wishes to clear up the question of procedure and to make little appeasement presents.  But in the long run that is not good enough! ...

I am in no way willing that here in the heart of Germany a second Palestine should be permitted to arise. The poor Arabs are defenseless and deserted. The Germans in Czechoslovakia are neither defenseless nor are they deserted, and people should take notice of that fact.'At every pause the deep baying of the huge crowd gathered under the stars, and the roar of 'Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil'! supplied a sinister background."

[1] Speech of 12 September [1938] at Nuremberg (Baynes: vol. II, pp. 1, 487-99)"

A la page 474, Alan Bullock écrit à propos de la haine totale et inextinguible d'Hitler envers les Juifs: "Hatred of the Jews was perhaps the most sincere emotion of which he was capable."
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