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Blog : Philosémitisme

L'Europe Judenrein (Joel Kotkin)

Sur ce sujet consulter également:
- Le Parlement européen reconnaît "le déclin inquiétant de la population juive en Europe"
- L'Europe n'a ni les moyens ni le courage de défendre les Juifs ou d'arbitrer en leur faveur
- Interview du sociologue Danny Trom "Vers une Europe judenrein'" @ Akadem
- Conversation entre Jeffrey Goldberg, rédacteur en chef de The Atlantic, et Leon Wieseltier, auteur et journaliste, "Should the Jews Leave Europe'" (début de la vidéo)

Pendant des millénaires, l'Europe fut le centre de vie de la diaspora, mais au fur et à mesure que les Juifs continuent de fuir le continent, à la fin du siècle, tout ce qui restera est un cimetière juif.

Joel Kotkin:
Last month the German commissioner for ?Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight Against Antisemitism' used his impressively titled office to advise German Jews against wearing kipahs in public. The commissioner's response to a surge of anti-Semitic violence in his country was a sheepish acknowledgment that Germany is once again a dangerous country for Jews. And as Germany goes, so goes Europe. For millennia, following the destruction of the Second Temple and the beginning of the diaspora, Europe was home to the majority of the world's Jews. That chapter of history is over. The continent is fast becoming a land of Jewish ghost towns and graveyards where the few remaining Jews must either accept an embattled existence or else are preparing to leave. In his earliest speeches Adolf Hitler made clear that his primary mission was to make Germany, and then all Europe, judenrein?free of Jews. He failed only because of the Allied victory but today, slowly, inexorably and, for the most part, legally and largely unconsciously, Europe is fulfilling the Nazi aspiration. It is not only in Germany but in England, France, Hungary and elsewhere across the continent, that the many forms of European anti-Semitism'far right, left-wing anti-imperialist, and Islamist'are not only multiplying but moving closer toward controlling the official levers of power. [?]

France, with the largest European Jewish population, has been sustained largely by the mass migration from North Africa. But it still has fewer Jews than it did in 1939 and seems destined to continue shrinking. Eastern Europe, the center of the Jewish world in 1939 with its 8 million Jews, has less than 400,000 today. Germany, home to 500,000 Jews in 1933, now has as little as a third of that, with most originally refugees from Eastern Europe. Fewer than 15,000 of the Jews living in Germany today can trace their roots to the pre-Nazi era.  In much of Europe, the artifices of Jewish life are being reduced to historical relics. The great capital city of Vienna, chosen home of Sigmund Freud, Gustav Mahler, Theodore Herzl, and Billy Wilder as well as the birthplace of Arnold Schonberg, was home to over 200,000 Jews in 1923. Today there are barely 10,000 among Vienna's 1.7 million residents, many of them refugees from the old Soviet bloc. [?]

Ironically, Orban is far more pro-Israel than European leaders widely celebrated as standard bearers of the liberal international order, like France's Emmanuel Macron or Germany's Angela Merkel. He is close to Prime Minister Netanyahu and maintains particularly strong ties to the Hasidic Jews of Budapest's thriving Chabad community. Orban's regime has also made Holocaust denial illegal, established an official Holocaust Remembrance Day, and refused to cooperate with the anti-Semitic, far right Jobbik party.Lire l'article complet @ Tablet Magazine
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