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Blog : Philosémitisme

Peter Hitchens traite Arafat d'"affreux vieil homme antisémite"

Peter Hitchens est l'un des journalistes britanniques les plus influents.  Dans une chronique parue dans le Mail on Sunday, Peter Hitchens écrit que Yasser Arafat était un "affreux vieil homme antisémite" qui a dit qu'il s'en foutait des Juifs car ils sont et resteront toujours des Juifs.  De son vivant, Arafat était généralement encensé dans la presse européenne.  Hitchens nous propose une appréciation opposée à la norme en vigueur.

Pointless 'peace plans' that fuel violence

Whatever happened to Middle East peace' Some sort of deal between Israel and the local Arabs was, for decades, the vital goal of diplomacy.

US presidents were obliged to try to achieve it. Both sides were repeatedly dragged to summits where they were forced to shake hands and smile at each other while clenching their teeth.

I was once present at one of these horrible staged occasions, on the White House lawn in September 1993, when a smiling Bill Clinton compelled Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and that awful old antisemite Yasser Arafat (who once said ?I have no use for Jews. They are and remain Jews') to pretend to be friends.

That particular episode ended with the murder of Yitzhak Rabin by an ultra-Zionist fanatic and with a renewed wave of organised Arab violence on the West Bank of the Jordan.

In fact, this has been the outcome of almost all such efforts: more division, more violence, more barriers, more checkpoints.lire l'article complet

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